The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB1060: Let’s Give it Our Best Shot

Breaking: SB1060 has failed, 42-55. More soon.

We’re almost there but we’ve got to get this bill through the House Floor, or all our work ends in a disappointment.

The House Floor is far from a sure thing, as we need 51 votes for passage.

There are 32 D’s, most or all of whom may support it.

If they do, 19 R’s are needed.

11 R’s on the Transportation Committee voted to report the bill.

Assuming they all stay with it on the floor (not a sure thing) we need 8 more. O’Bannon & Mark Cole were co-patrons, so I count them in. Loupassi has said he will support it.

RABA members are particularly needed to contact Chris Peace (New Kent), Kirk Cox & Roxann Robinson (Chesterfield), Lee Ware (Powhatan), Tommy Wright (Amelia), Jimmie Massie (Henrico)

The Tidewater, Fredericksburg, & Williamsburg Clubs can help with their delegates, and the Northern Va riders have a long list of delegates.

Don’t count on the other guy to send the message, please send ONE yourself, to YOUR delegate, so its in their In Box on Monday morning.

If they have already supported the bill along the way, REMIND them that the bill is coming up.

If you haven’t yet contacted them, just ask their SUPPORT for SB1060/Don’t Follow Too closely, patroned by Sen. Reeves on the House Floor.

Let’s not narrowly miss this one, like we did on the Dooring bill, and then regret not doing a little more.

PLEASE, send that message!

If you don’t know who your delegate is, once again…

Go to

Look in the Quick Links in the top center…

…and click on Who’s My Legislator.

You then have to fill in the boxes in order to find who it is, but it doesn’t get you on any Email lists.

Thanks for your help in sending them a message telling them you are a constituent and a cyclist, and strongly urging them to SUPPORT SB1060, the “don’t follow too closely” bill when it is heard on the House floor during the next few days.

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