The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB1060, “Don’t Follow Too Closely,” Defeated 42-55

SB1060 defeated by House vote 42-55

SB1060 defeated by House vote, 42-55.

YEAS–Anderson, BaCote, Brink, Bulova, Byron, Carr, Cole, Comstock, Dance, Fariss, Filler-Corn, Garrett, Greason, Habeeb, Herring, Hester, Hope, Howell, A.T., James, Keam, Kory, Krupicka, Lewis, Lopez, May, McClellan, McQuinn, Minchew, Morrissey, Plum, Rust, Scott, J.M., Sickles, Spruill, Stolle, Surovell, Torian, Toscano, Tyler, Ward, Ware, O., Watts–42.

NAYS–Albo, Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Cline, Cosgrove, Cox, J.A., Cox, M.K., Crockett-Stark, Dudenhefer, Edmunds, Farrell, Gilbert, Head, Helsel, Hodges, Iaquinto, Ingram, Joannou, Johnson, Jones, Kilgore, Knight, Landes, LeMunyon, Lingamfelter, Loupassi, Marshall, D.W., Marshall, R.G., Massie, Merricks, Miller, Morefield, Morris, O’Bannon, O’Quinn, Orrock, Pogge, Poindexter, Purkey, Putney, Ransone, Robinson, Rush, Scott, E.T., Sherwood, Tata, Villanueva, Ware, R.L., Watson, Webert, Wilt, Wright, Yancey, Yost, Mr. Speaker–55.


NOT VOTING–Hugo, Peace, Ramadan–3.

30 D’s (all but Joannou of Norfolk/Portsmouth, and Johnson of Abingdon) voted for the bill, along with 12 R’s.

Didn’t do too well in the Richmond area as those who voted AGAINST the bill include John Cox (Hanover); Kirk Cox & Roxann Robinson (Chesterfield) Manoli Loupassi (Richmond): Peter Farrell, John O’Bannon, & Jimmie Massie (Henrico), Lee Ware (Powhatan), and Tommy Wright (Amelia).

Chris Peace (Hanover/New Kent) did not vote.

It was interesting to me that ALL the members of House Trans Sub2 except Chairman John Cox voted FOR the blll, as I really didn’t expect Del. Garrett to do so.

Also encouraging to see Chairman May, and members Habeeb and Rust of the House Transportation Committee vote FOR the bill, as they had done on the vote to Report it, although Tata, Villanueva, Yancey, and Dudenhefer, who had voted to report it, then turned around and voted against it on the floor.

We do seem to be making some progress toward bi-partisanship on the bicycling safety bills, although the vote on this bill may be more a reflection of the fact that we had a Republican patron.

I am personally disappointed in John O’Bannon (my delegate for 10 years prior to redistricting, who was a co-patron of the bill and then voted AGAINST it) and Jimmie Massie (who is my current delegate) who did the same.

Thanks to everyone who made their contacts, and be sure to thank, or express disappointment, to the delegates you contacted.

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  • You must be so disappointed. I know I am and I’ve only been watching from the sidelines. Thank you Bud & team for all of your amazing, relentless effort for the greater good. Your work inspires the rest of us and will pay off in time. Thank you, thank you!

  • I just don’t know how or why someone would vote against this. It’s common sense and it’s for the safety of their constituents. I also don’t understand how this is a partisan issue. I ride but I don’t ride because I have a particular political affiliation. It’s great to see that some progress is being made, but sad that clearly 55 people in the state house do not care if some person in an motor vehicle rides up on me or passes too close, and it happens often.

  • Looks like we some work to do before we reintroduce this bill. I am happy to see that my representative supported the bill after I spent time with him. However, we have a couple other legislators in this area we need to work on.

  • I’m with Stephanie — why would anyone NOT support this bill? What is so threatening about taking the aggression level down?

    I’m also with Stan — before this goes again, each of the local jurisdictions where the ‘nays’ were from should plan a bike celebration day and invite their delegate to ride along and promote safety. Even better — ask them to join a kids’ bike train to school. Get them invested in cycling

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