The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB 874 Banning Cell Phone Use While Driving

…got bounced around this week.

Just as it was getting close to being voted on in the Senate, an amendment came forward from Sen. Cuccinelli that would make it apply only to text messages. That amendment was defeated.

Then, a motion was made to re-refer the bill to Committee, but this time to the Courts of Justice Committee (the bill had originally come up through the Transportation committee) and that was done. Courts of Justice has long had a reputation as a “Killing Fields” committee, where no bills come out alive, but as I look at its current composition, that may not necessarily be the case on this one, as I only see about 3 arch-conservatives in its present composition.

This is a committee we don’t often deal with, so check to see if any of
you have your Senator among Chairman Marsh (Richmond), Saslaw, Stolle, Quayle, Norment, Howell, Lucas, Edwards (Roanoke), Reynolds, Puller, Cuccinelli, Obenshain, McDougle, Deeds, and Hurt. Give them a call if you do, since the bill could be heard as early as Monday.

Update: as Bud reports, SB 874 has been Passed By Indefinitely (killed) in committee. Read Bud’s report to find out why, and how things can happen at the Capitol.

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