The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB 644 Committee Vote Postponed Until Thursday

Please note: “stop for pedestrians in crosswalks” has returned for 2009 as HB 2386, which has an excellent chance of passing. As of Jan. 27 it has cleared committee and is headed for the House floor. Contact your House Delegate now to ask for their support.

SB644, Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks, was Passed By (postponed) for the day today in the House Transportation Committee and will be heard Thursday at 8:30 a.m.Apparently Sen. Ticer had a conflict and requested that it be passed by.

There is still time to call the Committee members if you haven’t already done so.

The general tone at the legislature has really become rancorous and intensely partisan. In two committees I observed since I was already down there, most votes were strictly along party lines. In the words of a veteran lobbyist I know, “It’s the worst I’ve ever seen it.”

Let’s see what happens on Thursday. (Feb. 21)

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