The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB 225 ‘Dooring’ Passes Senate. Here’s How Senators Voted.

SB 225, the dooring bill patroned by Sen. Chap Petersen, was passed by the Senate today 28-12. How senators voted is below. While support was bipartisan, the “noes” were only Republican.

Now it goes to the House after Crossover (Wed. Feb. 12).

If your senator voted for the bill, a note of thanks is in order; if they didn’t, a note expressing your disappointment. More importantly, ask your House delegate to support this bill when it gets to the House.

We can never take votes for granted, as shown by some surprises here — including some pleasant ones, like Sen. Carrico voting with us, after a perfect record of voting against.

How Senators Voted

YEAS — Alexander, Barker, Carrico, Colgan, Cosgrove, Deeds, Ebbin, Edwards, Favola, Garrett, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Marsden, Marsh, McEachin, McWaters, Miller, Newman, Norment, Petersen, Puckett, Puller, Saslaw, Smith, Vogel, Watkins, Wexton — 28.

NAYS — Black, Hanger, Lewis, Martin, McDougle, Obenshain, Reeves, Ruff, Stanley, Stosch, Stuart, Wagner — 12.

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