The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB 1239, Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks

Update: SB 1239, stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, is now dead for 2009.

SB1239, Motorists to Stop for Pedestrians in Cross Walks, was not heard yesterday in the House Courts of Justice Committee’s Civil Sub- Committee, but will be heard on Wednesday afternoon, when the Sub- Committee re-convenes. Senator Barker, the patron of the bill, has agreed to some changes in the bill (including a key change that will remove “Un-Marked Crosswalks” from the language) that will address some of the problems that some of the delegates have had with the bill. With those changes, I believe the bill has an excellent chance of passage.

It would be helpful if constituents of these Senators, on the House Courts of Justice Sub-Committee, would call their Senators in support of this bill: Athey (Chairman), Kilgore, Fralin, Iaquinto, Peace, Loupassi, Johnson, Barlow, Toscano, and Marsden.

Feb. 18 update from Bud: (This bill) is really getting bounced around. Rather than being heard in the Courts of Justice Civil Sub-Committee this afternoon, as scheduled, it was abruptly moved to the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee and scheduled to be heard by Sub-committee #2 of that committee, tomorrow morning at 7:30. Thanks to all the RABA members who contacted Loupassi and Peace in the last 24 hours, and to Barbara Duerk who contacted Fralin. Now we have the following sub-committee to deal with, none of whom are from the Richmond area:

House Militia, Police and Public Safety Sub-Committee #2 meets on Thursday at 7:30 am, 8th Floor W. Conference Room. Chair: Delegate “Ben” Cline ( Members: Athey, Poindexter, Gilbert, and Shuler.

The full committee meets Friday, 9:00 a.m, House Room C: Sherwood (Chairman), Griffith (, Kilgore, Wright, Carrico, Lingamfelter, Nutter (, Athey, Janis, Cline (, Gilbert, Poindexter, Merricks, Scott, J.M., Barlow, Shuler (, Lewis, Miller, P.J., Poisson, Tyler, Bowling, and Herring.

Update from Barbara: The bill has been changed to reflect concerns of some legislators re: marked and unmarked crosswalks. I am told it now only says stop for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. In a college town this encourages pedestrians to use designated space for crossing streets. It also gives police the ability to apply the law without there needing to be a crash.

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