The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Saturday Ramble with CBF: Mount Vernon Trail


Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation as we host a bike ride on the Mount Vernon Trail. The ride will not only highlight sights such as the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, and historic Old Town Alexandria, but as we pedal along the Potomac River we will also learn more about water quality issues, CBF’s Cyclist for the Bay program, and our current Federal initiatives to help restore the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay downstream.

When: Saturday, November 14th 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Where: Mount Vernon Trail

RSVP: Space is limited; please RSVP with Jess Barton at for more information and to let us know you are coming.

Bike route: North end of the Mount Vernon Trail from Roosevelt Island to Old Town Alexandria. This section is about 8 miles one way for a 16 mile round trip. We will pedal at a leisurely speed of 10-12 mph, with plenty of time for photo opportunities. We will ride to Old Town Alexandria where there will be a chance to grab a coffee, snack, or use the facilities before turning around.

For more on the trail go to

And for more on CBF’s Cyclist for the Bay program please visit our website

Hope you can join us!


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