The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Safe Routes to School Coordinator, VDOT

Virginia Department of Transportation - VDOT

The Virginia Dept. of Transportation is seeking a new statewide coordinator for the Safe Routes to School Program, to, “Administer the development, implementation and monitoring of the Commonwealth’s Safe Routes to School Program and other pedestrian/bicycle safety initiatives which encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk or bike to school.”

This is a full time position in Richmond. Salary range is $41-65k. Degree in Urban Planning, Transportation Policy, or Public Administration or related experience may substitute. Master’s degree preferred.

We encourage anyone who is interested in this job, and thinks they can do it well, to please apply.

Details are at the state jobs website.

Send cover letter and resume to:

Pamela Hinton
Central Office Human Resources
1221 East Broad Street, 1st Floor Central Hwy Bldg.
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Deadline is Sept. 17, 2010.

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