The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Roanoke County Adopts Bike-Ped Policy

While the City of Roanoke has been proactive in bike-friendliness (a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community), Roanoke County has lagged behind. Though incorporating bike-ped has been VDOT policy since 2004, the county was not necessarily onboard. (Is this a familiar story?)

Well, no more. Two county supervisors who are also on the MPO board brought the bike-ped case to the county board, which unanimously agreed to, and passed, a bike-ped integration policy. Kudos to the Roanoke County supervisors for their vision and leadership.

The Roanoke Times has the story, and says:

“People walk and ride bicycles these days for commuting, for fitness and for sheer pleasure. People with physical disabilities demand full mobility. Changing needs are evident along roads where people afoot and in wheelchairs cling to the pavement’s edge, and bicyclists have no choice but to ride in the traffic lane, risking life and limb.”

Remember, VDOT and municipalities build what local electeds and MPOs direct them to. Directing them is up to us!

Does your county, city, or town have a bike-ped policy? How well is it followed?

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