The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Roanoke Adopts Complete Streets, Greenways and Bikeways Plans, Bicycle Friendly Community Application

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Roanoke, VA – At its March 17 meeting, Roanoke City Council adopted the Regional Greenways and Bikeways Plans, a Complete Streets Policy, and agreed to apply for a Bicycle Friendly Community award.

The Regional Greenways and Bikeways Plans show off- and on- street routes for non-motorized transportation and recreation opportunities. Complete Streets will improve travel conditions for all street users while providing local connections between regional greenway and bikeway corridors. If granted, the Bicycle Friendly Community designation will recognize the city’s efforts to expand the network of greenways, bikeways, and complete streets.

City Council adopted the Complete Streets Policy to ensure that all transportation agencies within the city routinely plan, fund, design, construct, operate, and maintain their streets according to the Complete Street principles of the city’s “Street Design Guidelines” completed in July 2007. The goal is to create an attractive connected multimodal network that balances the needs of street users of all ages and abilities such as pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists, except where there are demonstrated exceptional circumstances. The Policy explains the types of exceptional circumstances where accommodating all street users may not be reasonable or feasible and concludes by stating the actions the city will undertake to implement Complete Streets and evaluate their success in creating Complete Streets.

The Greenways Plan, Bikeways Plan, Complete Streets Policy, and the Street Design Guidelines are available at For more information, contact Cristina Finch, City Planner II, at 540-853-1627 or

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