The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Virginia Filmmakers to Hold Fundraiser for “Road to Roubaix”

rider in Paris-Roubaix

A team of Virginia filmmakers led by director David Deal will hold a fundraiser for their upcoming film, “Road to Roubaix,” on Saturday, Jan. 26, 7-9pm, at the Arts Center in Orange, 129 East Main St., Orange, VA. The event will feature a preview screening, and an auction for a large, limited edition photographic print of Lance Armstrong. For more information about the film, see the Masterlink Films website.

Update: the New River Valley Bicycle Association is having a special screening of Road to Roubaix in Blacksburg on Sat. Jan 10 2009, 1pm.

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  • A wonderful piece of work. I had the pleasure of seeing this at the premiere here in NYC. I wish the filmmakers the best, please see a review of it here:

  • Have just heard about Lance Armstrong returning to cycling – would be interested to see the film mentioned.