The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Tom & Ted’s, & Joe’s, Advocacy Adventures — Riding to the Bike Summit

2012 Bike Summit

This week’s 2012 Bike Summit in Washington DC should be an interesting schmooze-fest, with the recently announced merger of three national organizations, and Richmond 2015 World Cycling Championships.

Most of our board will be there for most of the Summit. At least two of us will be pedaling what we peddle, by riding all the way Washington.

Tom Bowden will join Commute-By-Bike’s Ted Johnson to ride 110 miles from Richmond, along USBR 1. Read about their mission, and see a map, at

Joe Morgan is riding all the way from Norfolk, following the proposed East Coast Greenway route. Here’s his itinerary:

Joe says:

“I’m planning a general reconnaissance along the East Coast Greenway from Petersburg to DC, with some monitoring of the Adventure Cycling Association Atlantic Coast Route and US Bike Route 1.

If any of you are near my route and want to plod along and take in the sights let me know.

I may also ride part of the way back to Norfolk after the Summit.The way will be revealed, but it to soon yet.”

Get in touch with us if you’d like to ride along.

And try to meet these gentlemen at the Summit.

Joe is the Virginia chair of the East Coast Greenway Alliance. He’s also spent 27 years as Virginia county administrator, in three different counties. If you’ve enjoyed the good signage along the Virginia portion of Bike 76, thank Joe. He’s been along on many of our Cross-State Rides, and done a great job documenting the route.

Tom is chairman of the board of Bike Virginia, in addition to serving on our board. Ted is the editor of Commute By Bike, where Tom is a regular contributor. Listen to an interview with Tom Bowden at The Outspoken Cyclist, and an interview with Ted Johnson at

Tim Johnson’s Ride On Washington

In support of BikesBelong, the six-time national cyclocross champ has been leading a 350-mile ride from Boston, meeting with and speaking to groups along the way. Read more at the Ride On Washington website.

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