The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Ride Around the Watershed — Join Us in Charlottesville & Richmond

From Jessica Barton, at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation:

Understand the short notice, but if possible to get the word out, please see below information on a Bay Watershed Ride that 2 Chesapeake Bay Foundation riders are in the midst of right now, and pass it along if possible.

Thanks for your time,


Join the riders this Monday morning in Charlottesville, and Tuesday morning in Richmond.

Ride around the Watershed: Join us in Charlottesville!

Two staffers from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, John and Beth, are past the midpoint of a 1,200-mile bike ride through the bay watershed. John Rodenhausen and Beth McGee are heading through Charlottesville on Monday August, 15th and they want you to join them for the start of their day!

The Ride: The two Watershed riders started Aug. 1 in Marietta, Pa., and saw some of New York before heading south into Maryland. They plan to visit West Virginia, Virginia and Delaware before arriving home Aug. 19 in Annapolis.

The Cause: Rodenhausen says they hope to raise $20,000 during the ride. Half the money would go to the foundation, with the rest split between the pediatric oncology department at Johns Hopkins University and the American Diabetes Association.

Join them! You too can be a part of the Ride around the Watershed this Monday. Cyclists can meet John and Beth at 9:00am at Bluegrass Grill and Bakery in Charlottesville. Bring your bike and helmet and help send the Watershed riders for their journey to Richmond. Cyclists will join the two bay riders for an out-and-back distance of their choice.

Follow their ride, see their adventures around the Watershed, and learn more about the cause on their blog at:

When: Monday, August 15th 9:00am

Where: Bluegrass Grill and Bakery, 313 2nd Streett, Charlottesville, VA 22902

What: Meet-n-greet the Bay Watershed riders, grab a coffee, and help send them off on their ride!

Questions? Please contact Jess Barton at or 804-780-1392 (cell: 843-813-8095)

Ride around the Watershed: Join us in Richmond!

Two staffers from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, John and Beth, are past the midpoint of a 1,200-mile bike ride through the bay watershed. John Rodenhausen and Beth McGee are heading through Richmond on Tuesday, August 16th and they want you to join them for the start of their day!

The Ride: The two Watershed riders started Aug. 1 in Marietta, Pa., and saw some of New York before heading south into Maryland. They plan to visit West Virginia, Virginia and Delaware before arriving home Aug. 19 in Annapolis.

The Cause:
The riders hope to raise $20,000 during the ride. Half the money would go to the foundation, with the rest split between the pediatric oncology department at Johns Hopkins University and the American Diabetes Association.

Join them! You too can be a part of the Ride around the Watershed this Monday. Cyclists can meet John and Beth at 8:00am at Lamplighter Café in Richmond. Bring your bike and helmet and help send the Watershed riders for their journey to Richmond. Cyclists will join the two bay riders for an out-and-back distance of their choice.

Follow their ride, see their adventures around the Watershed, and learn more about the cause on their blog at:

When: Tuesday, August 16th 8:00am

Where: Lamplighter Café, 116 S. Addison Street, Richmond, VA 23220 (one block off Cary Street)

What: Meet-n-greet the Bay Watershed riders, grab a coffee, and help send them off!

Questions? Please contact Jess Barton at or 804-780-1392 (cell: 843-813-8095)

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