The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Richmond Adding 80 Miles of Bikeways

Mayor Wants Bicycling to Have Impact  in Richmond

In an interview with  NBC12, Richmond mayor  Dwight Jones is calling for major bicycling improvements in the City of Richmond.

“We want to see bicycling in the City of Richmond become a huge impact,” said Mayor Dwight Jones. 

He’s planning to hire a bicycle coordinator this year. The city’s paying for the sharrows with money from the Commonwealth Transportation Board.

The mayor’s hoping this latest wave of improvements also increases the city’s chances of hosting the World Road Cycling Championships in 2015.

The event is expected to bring 500,000 to the capital city and generate approximately $135 million in revenue. Richmond is one of two finalists, along with Oman in southwest Asia.

“When they (the UCI)  see that we’re serious about sharrows and serious about incentivizing businesses to bicycling that’s impressive to them,” said Jones.

Richmond will find out this fall if it host the World Road Cycling Championship. The winning city will be announced from Denmark in September.

Signs and pavement markings will be placed on 80 miles of the city’s roadways over the next two years.

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