The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Governor’s Response to Biking & Walking at State Employee Town Hall

During the December 14 Governor’s Town Hall VBF’s Sheryl Finucane asked Governor McDonnell for his ideas on promoting and encouraging active transportation.

During the interaction the Governor asked for input about what could be done and said (to one of his staff members) “why don’t we look at that.”

Write the Governor and encourage him to follow through on “looking into” the role that bicycling and walking can and need to play as part of a multi-modal and multifaceted response to transportation related congestion and pollution and also chronic diseases that are related to inactivity and obesity.

Write to Gov. McDonnell at:
Office of the Governor of Virginia
P.O. Box 1475
Richmond, Virginia 23218

Or use the e-mail form at:

Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling have offered a simple letter template that can be used to let Gov McDonnell know you care

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