The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Remembering Bud Vye

Longtime board member, advocacy chair, and treasurer Bud Vye passed away on Friday, May 14 at the age of 87. Virginia Bicycling Federation and Richmond Area Bicycling Association couldn’t be what they are without his dedication and passion, and we will always be standing on the shoulders of his giant legacy. He was awarded or recognized in just about every way possible during his decades in the bike movement. Bud was singularly committed to improving bicycling at the state legislature and is responsible for much of the freedom and protection we enjoy today riding in Virginia.

I encourage you to dedicate your next group ride to Bud, and squirt a little water from your bidon to the ground to remember him. And on that group ride, revel in your legal right to ride side-by-side, which Bud championed at the General Assembly in 2004 (previously bike riders were required to stay single file at all times). We are proud that as of July 1st, you won’t be required to single up at all. Here’s to you, Bud!

Please share a thought or memory of Bud in the comments!


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  • Bud Vye was an inspiration of mine. I work in government as a transportation, so I cannot act as an advocate, but I watched people like Bud doing their best to help create a safer and more equitable transportation network for all of us. People like Bud inspired me to get into transportation planning to help save lives and get people out riding and walking instead of driving.

    Thank you, and rest in peace, Bud.

  • Bud’s work ethic was truly remarkable. Over the years, he attended scores of 7 am legislative subcommittee meetings to support our bills, then emailed detailed written reports of the proceedings later that same day. He also wrote monthly columns for the RABA newsletter for many years without interruption. Bud’s calm and courteous presence, persistence, and dedication made him a respected and effective presence at the Virginia General Assembly.

  • So sorry to hear of Bud’s passing — as others have said he was an inspiration, a true gentleman, and an absolute legend in the Richmond-area bicycle community. Last time I saw Bud was at Thursday night Jazz at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts just before lockdown where as usual he shared his wit and wisdom, and his joy of life, over a glass of wine. May we all leave a legacy as powerful and enduring as Bud Vye.