The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

‘Real Geeks Ride’ To Spur 1000 Geeks To Bike To Work

Carlos Urreta and Joe Philipson will be riding coast-to-coast this spring, with the goal of inspiring 1000 geeks to ride to work instead of driving. Hopefully they’ll go viral and inspire legions of webmasters, bloggers, and Facebook and Twitter addicts to start riding to work and writing about it.

Unfortunately they’ll be passing through Pennsylvania instead of Virginia. But their effort is noteworthy so let’s give them all the support that we can. Why? These guys “get it” — while our big-name bike advocacy organizations are floundering with communications sensibilities that are 25 years out of date.

You can read more about Carlos and Joe, and sign up for updates at Real Geeks Ride, or follow them on Twitter.

Thanks again to The Cycling Dude for relaying the news about Real Geeks Ride.

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  • Hey thanks for the post… would you mind changing my last name though to just 1 ‘l’? Philipson? thanks and you can delete this comment if you want…
