The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Rail-Trails and Health Care

Ray LaHood says Rail-Trails Have “Done More For Health Care Than Anything We’ve Done in America”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Continuing a growing shift in public health strategy toward active transportation as a crucial aspect of preventative health care, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood said last week that encouraging more biking and walking is one of the most important things we can do in the nation’s battle against obesity and related illness.

Speaking at Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s (RTC) 25th anniversary reception in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, October 1, Sec. LaHood said the rail-trail program “has done more for health care than anything we’ve ever done in America. Rail-trails have contributed so much to people’s good health over the last 25 years—also preventing heart disease, and providing the kinds of opportunities people have looked for, for a long, long time.”

Founded in 1986, RTC celebrated the milestone anniversary by recognizing 25 individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the rail-trail movement during the past quarter century. RTC honored these leaders with the inaugural Doppelt Family Rail-Trail Champions Awards.

Among the honorees was Sec. LaHood. As a member of Congress from his home state of Illinois, Sec. LaHood was instrumental in the creation of the Rock Island Trail State Park in Peoria. And as Secretary of Transportation, he has helped inaugurate bike share programs in Washington, D.C., and Denver, Co., as well as offer high-profile and influential national leadership in support of trails.

In fact, Sec. LaHood is perhaps best remembered by active transportation advocates for his impassioned speech on the floor of Congress in 2003, when he defended the Transportation Enhancements (TE) program—the largest source of funding for trails, walking and bicycling facilities—which continues to face legislative threats in the current Congress.

RTC President Keith Laughlin describes Sec. LaHood as “a strong and consistent voice on behalf of trails funding. He has been the best rail-trail champion we have ever had within the executive branch of government. His commitment to our cause is unwavering.”

Paying homage to his fellow Rail-Trail Champions, and other community volunteers across the nation, Sec. LaHood said their work was having a significant, and measurable, impact on the landscape that would long be appreciated. He said his experiences walking and riding along the Rock Island, Illinois Prairie Path and C&O Canal towpath convinced him that trails were the key to building a healthier, happier America.

“All along the way, you know what I see?” he asked those assembled. “Families, kids, people having fun, and also getting good exercise.”

The 2011 Doppelt Family Rail-Trail Champions represented 25 communities in 17 states across America. For a full list of the Rail-Trail Champions and their accomplishments, visit, or email Karl Wirsing at


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  • I am glad to see that health care benefits accrue from promotion of biking anywhere. If more support would be given to electric bikes, seniors who cannot presently ride could also get these benefits. Despite federal and state DMV rules that regulate electric bikes as bicycles, I still see signs on trails that still forbid motorized vehicles. The American with Disabilities Act also applies to older people and to all with handicaps and these local rules cannot be in compliance with federal law in attempting to restrict electric assist on bicycles that make no noise whatever, go no faster than bikes without electric assist, and for the most part, cannot even be discerned as electric.

  • Dr. Ellis, I agree — electric-assist bikes are fantastic. As they are not the same as purely motorized vehicles, they should not be regulated as such. This may be a gray area that we need to watch, but so far I’m not aware of any case in Virginia of an electric-assist bike rider being hassled for it. If you come across such a case, please let us know!

    I would also like to point out that rail-trails are generally flat, or have gentle enough grades for almost anyone who can pedal a bike at all.