The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Race Across America (RAAM)

Michele Santilhano's 2010 RAAM crew.

Michele Santilhano's 2010 RAAM crew. Michele is second from the right.

VBF president Champe Burnley is tagging along with this year’s RAAM, as part of the support crew for endurance sports superwoman Michele Santilhano.

Riders left Oceanside, CA on Tuesday, June 8. There are no scheduled rest stops. Riders simply go as long and hard as they can, and the first one to Annapolis wins.

RAAM is undoubtedly the world’s toughest bicycle race. As an endurance event it’s probably more like climbing Mt. Everest than riding the Tour de France. Michele is no stranger to such feats, as a Seven Summits climber, multiple Ironman competitor, and swimmer of the Catalina, Maui, and English Channels.

You can follow Michele’s progress at her blog; and see a list of her sponsors, and the causes that she supports.

VBF board member James Rosar has also competed in RAAM.

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