The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Public Lands Omnibus Bill Becomes Law

International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Logo

Last week President Obama signed the Public Lands Omnibus Management Act into law. While some mountain bikers around the US may lose trails, for the most part mountain bikers will benefit from this broad-scoped piece of legislation. Most notable for Virginians is the inclusion of the The Virginia Ridge and Valley Act, which preserves mountain bike access in over 10,000 acres of National Scenic Area, and stipulates reconstruction of a critical bicycling trail.

A press release from IMBA has the details.

Virginia mountain bike advocates played a key role in crafting this legislation, helping to come up with creative solutions for responsible use of natural resources. Many thanks to our own Chris Scott, and IMBA, for their hard work on this important piece of legislation.

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