The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Please Ask Your Local Planners & Engineers to Respond to This Survey

U.S. cities are invited to respond to a new survey on protected bike lanes.

The Green Lane Project, a program of PeopleForBikes, has launched a survey to better understand the progress and challenges faced by cities building innovative new bike projects.

The survey is here. ( Deadline for responses is August 14, 2015.

This survey is aimed at city staff – project designers, engineers, bike/ped coordinators and other staff – as well as consultants working with a city. Other agency staff and consultants with a direct interest in this field are also welcome to respond. Please share this survey with planners, engineers and/or leadership in your city transportation departments.

Responses to the survey will deepen the understanding of cities’ experience with planning, funding and building protected bike lanes, the satisfaction with current design guidance, implementation challenges, training needs and more. Results will be shared in the fall of 2015.

If you have questions about this survey, please contact Martha Roskowski, VP of Local Innovation, at Thank you.

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FHWA’s New Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide.

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