The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Pro Cycling Team Embraces New Model

RPC at school

Racers from Richmond Pro Cycling visit a school

A professional cycling team based in Richmond, Virginia has taken a new approach to professional level racing. Founded in 2008 by Craig Dodson, Richmond Pro Cycling (RPC) is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Their mission is to race competitively at the professional level, but do more than win races.  Dodson hopes that cycling can change lives.

During the race season, the team competes across the United States. But between races and a rigorous training calendar, Dodson demands much more than time in the saddle. Each of his racers, all in their twenties, are required to work toward three key goals.

“First is education. Each member has to be working on a four-year degree.” said Dodson.  His undergraduate riders maintain a 3.4 grade point average.  “Second, each has to give around 150 hours of community service. Third, each must race at a professional level.”

RPC racers’ activities have ranged from tutoring inner city youth — seventeen at-risk students this year — to working with elementary and secondary school children on the benefits of exercise, fitness, and bike safety.  Dodson estimates that they’ve touched over 2000 youth lives since the team was formed, and has participated in dozens of school and community events.

RPC even found time to work with a local bike club to teach advanced group riding skills, after a rash of pace line accidents during the year.

One of RPC’s chief sponsors is The Faison School – Autism Center of Virginia (ACV), a nonprofit autism center dedicated to providing resources for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and their families.  The school is a public-private partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University, a major research center. RPC taught 9 of the school’s students how to ride bikes, and continued their hands-on development with the students over a five month period.

RPC has a unique business model, and with corporate sponsorship down in tight economy, supporting their programs has been a challenge.

Richmond Pro Cycling is kicking off a new fund raising effort to support their mission.  They  hope to have 1000 individuals contribute $50 to support their mission.

If you would like to learn more about their organization, or make a donation, send your tax deductible contribution to:

People Cycle
P.O. Box 14533
Richmond, VA 23221

or  visit:

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