The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Preliminary East Coast Greenway Mapped in VA

East Coast Greenway Alliance

An interim on-road routing of the East Coast Greenway  through Virginia has been mapped based on meetings held across Virginia by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.  

Starting in Calais, Maine and ending in Key West, Florida, when completed, the ECG will be nearly 3000 miles long and connect the major cities along the Atlantic Coast.  Plans call for 90% of the trail to be off road.

A traveler’s guide, funded through the Virginia Department of Transportation, is under development for release in 2010.

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  • pretty frustrating to see an incomplete posting like this. It provides no information other than the fact that information will be forthcoming. Which would be ok except that in the current political/$$ environment I have little faith that the Virginia Department of Transportation will develop or release the travelers’ guide in anything resembling a timely fashion.

  • Dick:

    Please click on the hotlink in the original post.

    Remember, though, the ECG is a longterm project and it’s hoped that when it’s completed many years from now, 90% will be off road.

  • Here’s a link to the interim East Coast Greenway routes through Virginia, courtesy of the East Coast Greenway Alliance:
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