The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Paul Amendment Stalled. Thanks To All Who Wrote! Now Pay Attention to The House.

From WABA’s Greg Billing:

“Last week, we alerted our members and supporters in Maryland and Virginia about an amendment that was going to be introduced by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) to eliminate the Transportation Alternatives Program from the federal transportation budget. This program is the largest source of federal funding for bike/ped projects (read more on the WABA blog). Hundreds of you emailed your state Senators and asked them to vote down the amendment. We have heard the amendment will probably not move forward. Thank you to those who responded to our alert. We will continue work with our federal partners and we will alert you if and when bike/ped funding is threatened again.”

Your efforts do make a difference!  Please stand by to make another effort as the battle moves to the House, where an attack on bike-ped funding is imminent.  Keep checking the Bikeleague site for updates.

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