The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Paul Amendment Defeated, Federal Bike-Ped Funding (TE) Saved — For Now

In case you haven’t heard, Sen. Rand Paul’s amendment to kill Transportation Enhancements funding, and divert the money to “bridge repair,” was defeated today, 60-38. Virginia cyclists should be pleased that both Sen. Warner and Sen. Webb voted to defeat the amendment.

Many thanks to our national bike advocates for lobbying Congress, and rallying cyclists to write to their legislators. Read some of their reports:

Special thanks to everyone who wrote to their legislators. It really did make a difference. As reported by

Tim Blumenthal, president of People for Bikes, which tries to get more federal support for biking, said bike and walking paths are also popular with the public, which makes them difficult to oppose.

But we have to make sure our legislators know that.

Be prepared to write again.

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