The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

One VA City Makes Bicycling’s Top 50

Bicycling Magazine  has just released its  list of America’s top 50 bike friendly places and only one Virginia city – Arlington – made the grade, coming in at number 30.

Number one was Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The list included cities with more than 100,000 residents.  They also chose geographic diversity so California wouldn’t have such a large share of the winners.

It looks like we have a lot of work ahead to make sure the Commonwealth is better represented in future Top 50 lists.

Congratulations, Arlington!

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  • Arlington VA is technically a county, not a city, but the recognition is nevertheless warranted.

  • I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about this. Fourteen states didn’t land a city on this list at all. Anyway, the list is a repeat of one put out last April; maybe Virginia would get more cities on a fresher list.

  • Other than the C&O and W replacement bridge over the “I495 Hot lanes”, are any bicycle commuting routes being added or planned around the I495 Beltway? Please advise. Thank you.

  • @ Randy Butler: VDOT has been rebuilding (and lengthening) ALL of the I-495 crossings as part of the 14-mile HOT lane project, and pedestrian and bicycle “facilities” are typically part of each crossing, not just the W&OD Trail bridge and the bike/ped bridge between Americana Dr and Wakefield Park in Annandale. The new Idlywood Road overpass, for example, has a modest sidewalk and 14-foot curb lanes.

    For at least several crossings (e.g., Rtes 50, 236, 620, 29), however, the replacement bicycle and pedestrian facilities will remain inadequate, and walking and bicycling conditions may be degraded overall by this project. Moreover, no new dedicated pedestrian and bicycle crossings of I-495, or route improvements parallel to I-495, are being provided.