The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

One Step Closer to Roll-On Service on Amtrak

A dream team - Adventure Cycling Association's Ginny Sullivan, with Tom Bowden (L) & Champe Burnley (R) - on their way to a meeting with Amtrak at Union Station, Washington DC

A dream team – Adventure Cycling Association’s Ginny Sullivan, with Tom Bowden (L) & Champe Burnley (R) – on their way to meet with Amtrak at Union Station, Washington DC

Following our test on the Capitol Limited, the next step toward getting roll-on service was for Amtrak to lead a task force, to work out all the details. We’re happy to announce that in a meeting today, they agreed to go forward with this.


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  • Updates?

    Planning on cycling from Pittsburgh to DC with my sons as soon as school is over late May. Would rather use walk-on-bike than rent a car to return. Called Amtrak but still no walk-on-bike service for the Capital Limited.

    Thanks for your help in promoting this service. Here in Missouri the Katy Trail-Amtrak partnership works. Who at Amtrak should be contacted to expedite (fast track!) these basic services?

  • We’re taking a dad/daughter bike trip down the C&O from Harper’s Ferry to DC next month.
    Walk-on-Bike trains on the Capitol Limited line make a lot of sense for such bike friendly destination cities. If only Amtrak had them available now.