The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

New Legislation: Hands-Free Phones, Texting, Open Containers

“Put down the cell phone, stop text messaging and get rid of the open beer cans in your car.”

That’s how writer Kimball Payne sums up new Virginia legislation being introduced this winter to curb drunk and distracted driving. Note that lack of cell phone restrictions caused Virginia to lose points in the Bicycle Friendly States rankings. Both drunk and distracted driving are hazards to cyclists (and everyone else), but not everyone wants laws to prevent them. This article tells who the patrons, friends, and (surprisingly) enemies of these bills are. Worth a read.

You can follow the progress of this and other new Virginia legislation at Richmond Sunlight, now using Twitter and Facebook. This winter’s Virginia General Assembly convenes January 14.

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