The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Tell Congress to Vote Yes on the Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Act

Contact your legislators -- Tell Congress to vote yes on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Act

Contact your legislators now!

It’s not often that we get national bike-ped legislation. This would require the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) and state DOTs to account for, and work to reduce, bicyclist and pedestrian deaths. Without metrics, how do we know how we’re performing?

From the League of American Bicyclists:

“…a coalition of bipartisan lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced identical bills (HR 3494 and S 1708) — the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Act — to help reduce the number of bicycle and pedestrian fatalities on American roadways. Review our resources on safety and learn more about how you can help support this important piece of legislation…

The League has compiled a media packet for advocates to spread the word and gather support for this vitally important piece of legislation:

Go to the Bikeleague page now. Use the template, modified with your own local examples. We need everyone to write!

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