The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Loudoun Sheriffs Explain Charity Ride Tickets

Yesterday we reported on Loudoun County sheriffs ticketing cyclists during a charity ride. While most cyclists agree they should obey the law at all times, many felt it was poor form to ticket charity event riders. Some felt that the event may have been targeted.

Today the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Dept. explains why these cyclists were ticketed; and answers several good questions about the rules of the road and how the law is enforced, with excerpts of the law regarding bicyclists. Kudos to the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Dept. for addressing the issue, and to the Washington Post for covering it.


I resent the Post pitting cyclists against motorists with its “kicking bikers to the curb” poll. It’s bad enough with Clear Channel shock-jocks encouraging actual violence against cyclists. Encouraging readers to go at each other like that isn’t much different. A little more light and a lot less heat on the subject please, as good journalists are supposed to provide.

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