The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Local Bike Summit Held in Charlottesville

2010 Charlottesville Bike Summit sign

Ideas from the 2010 Charlottesville Bike Summit, posted on Charlottesville's Free Speech Wall -- photo courtesy of Vince Caristo, ACCT

A local bike summit was held in Charlottesville on Saturday, May 22, 2010. The Richmond Times-Dispatch has the story.

The following day, the group met up with VBF’s Cross-State riders.

From ACCT director Vince Caristo:

We had a nice turnout, had some fun, got a bunch of great ideas up on the wall, and hopefully we can turn this into a mandate for change. It was great to see Barb, Joe, and the rest of the 76 crew the next day too. They are really doing a great thing for the USBR 76. We had our “ceremony” at the Free Speech Wall right in front of where our ideas from the Bike Summit were written up for all to see.

Be sure to check out ACCT’s website — they’re the driving force behind a lot of good things in Charlottesville.

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