The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

New Report: Lifting the Veil on Bicycle & Pedestrian Spending

From The Alliance’s Christy Kwan:

Advocacy Advance just released a new report today called “Lifting the Veil on Bicycle & Pedestrian Spending,” which takes a deep dive into Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (STIPs).The STIP is a federally-required document which express how states plan to spend federal transportation funds for the next four years.

The report reviewed all 50 STIPs in the country and counted the number and total cost of bicycle and pedestrian projects reported in the STIP. The results are eye opening and attempt to capture a picture of active transportation investments across the country. In addition to the report, we have also created customized score cards for each state, which may be of particular interest. You can see how your state is doing in terms of active transportation spending, as well as the data transparency within the STIP.

We hope that this report starts a serious conversation about how states can provide better information on transportation spending and provides context for discussions about investments in facilities for people who bike and walk. We’re also working on an advocate’s guide, which will hopefully provide some ideas on how to best use this report’s findings with your state DOT.

You can download the report and score cards at:

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