The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update, Careless Driving

As we reported earlier, the Careless Driving portions of SB 566 and HB 1048 didn’t make it through committee. As Bud Vye reports today, legislators didn’t see the need for it, but they seem sympathetic to our cause:

Regarding the Careless Driving, both Ryan McDougle and Creigh Deeds made it clear to me that they felt it wasn’t needed; that Reckless Driving would have been the proper charge in the Daniel Hersh case; and that they were surprised that the Va Beach Comm. Atty didn’t feel that he could make such a charge, since that is almost an automatic charge in a case like that. I intend to discuss this further with them, since they are both sympathetic to the problem and both are attorneys.

A glimmer of hope, perhaps.

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