The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update #7, Feb. 1, 2019

HB1811/Del. Collins’ House version of the bill to ban the use of hand held personal Communication devices while operating a vehicle was reported out of the House Courts committee today by a 14-3 vote, with Dels. Carroll Kilgore, Gilbert, and J.L. Campbell in opposition, and Carroll Foy not voting.

The only debate on the bill was caused by Del. Gilbert’s concern that a number of citizens may not have hands free communication capability in their cars for several years so he offered an amendment that would make an exception for drivers with older equipment like flip phones if they were communicating with their phone on their shoulder and not holding it in their hand.

When Del. Collins replied by stating that the purpose of the language in this bill was to make it easier for law enforcement to enforce by keeping exceptions to a minimum, the amendment failed, followed by the vote of 14-3 to report the bill.

We now have HB1811 going on to the full House on either Monday or Tuesday, so its time for everyone to contact their Delegates (check the website if you are not sure who yours is ) at the same time as SB1341, carried by Sen. Stuart is being considered in the Senate, and could use a call or email to your Senator in support, checking the same website if you need to.

Things are looking good for both bills (which at some point will be conformed into one) but we’re not across home plate yet so contact your legislators over the weekend and help keep both of them moving.

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