The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/4/10

Two interesting developments today —

In House Transportation, Del. May’s HB 674, which would repeal Virginia’s ban on the use of Radar Detectors (we are the only state with such a ban), squeaked through on a narrow 11-10 vote and goes on to the House floor.

While in Senate Transportation, Sen. McDougle’s SB103, which would completely re-structure the Transportation Dept., was unanimously (15-0) carried over until 2011, with even the patron voting to do so. Not sure what caused this, but looks like the Governor might have changed his mind about trying to implement a completely new Transportation organization chart right now.

If you contacted your Senator (and even if you didn’t) before the vote, it would nice if you sent them a Thank You for their YES vote on SB566, Three Foot Passing, which they all voted for, and let them know you appreciate it. They don’t get that many thank you’s and remember it when they do.

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