The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/3/15 — Moped Bill Dies, Contact Your Legislators About ‘Dooring’ & ‘Crossing the Double Yellow’

HB 2353 Prohibiting operation of Mo-Peds on Highways where the posted speed is greater than 45 mph was listed on the docket in House Trans Sub 3 at 4 p.m. A bare quorum of 3 finally showed up to join the Chairman, and only two bills were heard and reported; one bill had its patron in another meeting so was reported so it could be heard in full House Trans; and the others (including HB2353) were stricken from the docket as their patron was not in attendance. Lots of waiting around followed by a brief flurry of activity, but a good result as we can now forget about HB2353 and cross it off our list.

Also good news with our only other bill needing action prior to Crossover — SB1220/Senator Reeves’ Don’t Follow Too Closely being passed on the Senate floor by a 38 – 0 vote.

Now it joins our other Senate bills that have passed and await crossing over to the House next week — the “Dooring” and “Crossing the Double Yellow” bills…

…and our House bills that have passed and await crossing over to the Senate — Following too Closely and Maintenance Reimbursement for Bike Lanes.

A bit of a breather for the rest of the week, but we’ve got some work awaiting us next week, particularly with the Dooring and Crossing the Double Yellow bills in the House, both with Democrat patrons. Stay with us, and be ready to call YOUR legislators when the bills are listed, as we’ve got a great chance to get them all through if we keep working at it.

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