The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/3/11

SB928/McDougle Following too closely & 3 ft. passing sailed through Senate Transportation this afternoon with no opposition. Thanks to Ruth Stornetta and Scott Paisley who made the trip from Charlottesville, Kim Whitley from Virginia Beach, and Allen Muchnick who came down from Arlington to join Champe and I in supporting the bill, which was patroned nicely by Sen. McDougle.

Perhaps even more importantly, Allen & I met with Del. Glenn Oder from Newport News after the meeting, and he agreed to support the bill in committee AND TO HELP GET IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH, if we will call off the dogs who have been filling up his IN box and making him the bad guy, and continue our efforts to get our “peloton riders” to clean up their act.

Accordingly, I hereby issue the call for NO MORE CALLS or EMAILS to Del. Oder on this topic. (other than to thank him for voting for the bill, when it gets back to House Transportation) and to spread the word to our “peloton brethren” that they are hurting the cause, and that I am getting tired of constantly having to apologize for their riding habits, to such people as Del. Oder and Del. Cox.

Also, SB1370/Blevins Requiring the installation of rumble strips on all highways with a speed limit of 55 mph or higher was Passed By Indefinitely by a 14 -1 vote, with only the patron voting for it, as VDOT states a $4 billion fiscal impact for the bill.

I don’t think we will have any trouble getting through the Senate floor with 928.

Then Crossover comes next week, and we may be back in House Trans Sub 2 or directly to House Transportation, if they do not have too many bills to consider.

In any case, DO NOT call or Email Del. Oder on this bill. I promised him you wouldn’t!

But be ready to weigh in with the other delegates when called upon.

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