The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/2/11

HB1582/Cosgrove regarding the Transportation Infrastructure Bank has been incorporated into HB2527/Speaker Howell and reported from House Appropriations as part of the Governor’s Transportation funding package.

HB1957/Rust regarding the duties of the Commonwealth Transportation Board was reported from House Transportation 17-0.

HB1993/Janis regarding recklessly running a red light has been modified and reported from House Courts of Justice. Not sure what it looks like in its present form.

SB850/Petersen to permit Sunday hunting failed in Senate Agriculture by 13-2. Patron and Marsden for, all others against.

Docket is now posted for Senate Transportation on Thursday @ 2.

SB928/McDougle Three foot passing of bicycles is on it…

…as is SB913/McDougle to change Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner to CEO plus other changes…

…& SB1370/Blevins requiring rumble strips on all highways w/speed limits of 55 mph or higher.

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