The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/17/15 — ‘Crossing the Double Yellow’ Clears Full House Transpo Committee

In deference to the snowy conditions in the area, House Transportation Committee was scheduled to convene an hour later, at 9:30 and all but two of the Delegates were present.

Reconsideration of the Dooring bill/SB882 was not granted, so its defeat in SubCommittee by a 4-3 vote stands.

The Crossing the Double Yellow Line bill/SB781 was reported to the Committee by SubCommittee2 Chair Garrett, without the Patron or either of the Co-Patrons present. Following Chairman Rust’s practice of giving great weight to the bill’s result in SubCommittee, and not wanting to hear witnesses testify if they had done so in SubCommittee, no witnesses spoke. There was minimal discussion by Committee members, primarily by Del. Habeeb (who I think is the only attorney on the Committee) as to the possible legal consequences for unsafely crossing the line, and by Del. Hugo as to how difficult it is to safely pass the increasing number of cyclists on the country roads in his area without crossing the line, which was why he supported the bill. There being no other comments by Committee members, Del. Garrett moved to Report the bill, which carried by a 19-1 vote, with Dr. Garrett himself being the only one in opposition. Later, the two absent members’ proxies were tallied, making the official count 21-1 as the bill goes on to the House Floor for final passage.

Now, everyone has a Delegate who will be voting, and this is your chance to get in the game and ask their support. If you don’t know who they are, or their Email, go to and click on the box at the top of the page “Who’s my Legislator?”

Thanks to everyone who took the trouble to make contacts along the way, as we appear to have had a very successful Legislative session!

Bud Vye Advocacy Director RABA & VBF

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