The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/17/11 #2 — Wrap-Up

This morning’s votes were posted early this afternoon, & I post them below for those who haven’t gotten them from the legislative website.

SB 1234 Bicycle operation; City of Charlottesville to permit in both directions of traffic on one-way roads.

02/17/11 House: Tabled in Transportation (12-Y 10-N)

YEAS–May, Carrico, Cosgrove, Rust, Hugo, Scott, E.T., Villanueva, Comstock, Garrett, Cox, J.A., Cleaveland, Habeeb–12.

NAYS–Oder, Tata, Ward, Ebbin, BaCote, Brink, Toscano, McQuinn, Carr, Filler-Corn–10.


Comment — I’m not sure how Cleaveland was voted to table since he wasn’t there. All the R’s voted to table except Oder & Tata.

SB 928 Motor vehicles; passing of bicycles, etc.

02/17/11 House: Tabled in Transportation (11-Y 10-N)

YEAS–May, Carrico, Cosgrove, Rust, Scott, E.T., Tata, Villanueva, Comstock, Garrett, Cox, J.A., Habeeb–11.

NAYS–Oder, Hugo, Ward, Ebbin, BaCote, Brink, Toscano, McQuinn, Carr, Filler-Corn–10.


NOT VOTING–Cleaveland–1.

Comment — You will note that though I reported Del. Toscano as absent, he obviously had left his proxy, so his vote counted. No one voted for Cleaveland, & almost the same vote, except Tata voted to table, and Hugo did not.

The 2 p.m. session of the Senate Transportation Committee started more than an hour late as Sen. Patsy Ticer very emotionally announced on the Senate floor that she would not be running again in November, after serving 16 years. Since she is respected and admired by all, her announcement was followed by a number of emotional and sincere tributes by her fellow Senators, which caused the floor session to run late. Champe, I, and Heather Higgins of Charlottesville had just presented her with a VBF Bicycling Friendly recognition yesterday (photo sent separately). The former mayor of Alexandria, and long time resident of Old Town Alexandria, she has been a real friend of the bicyclists and particularly Conservation issues, and will be missed.

When the Senate Trans Committee finally began, I was unlucky enough to have Del. Greason’s HB1981 (to allow Motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles to proceed through a red light that doesn’t turn, as though it were a stop sign, after waiting a suitable time, and yielding the right of way) be almost the last bill called, but when it was, it was reported quickly without requiring any testimony, so it goes on to the House floor, where it will sail through.

Lots of yawning, and tired faces down there, as they stagger ahead to the finish line.

That’s it from me, for awhile. Thanks to everyone who came down from far and near, and who contacted their legislators. Del. Hugo today complimented Sen. McDougle at the meeting that he had received a large number of Emails supporting 928, and he is from Centreville. I was surprised to note that he was among the supporters, so apparently that was the reason. Del. Cox remains an enigma to me as he doggedly sticks to the anti – cycling line and writes Emails back to his constituents supporting his position. I would have long since supported the bill and be fielding Thank Yous, rather than have to do all that defending of my position.

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  • Thanks Bud, Champ, and others for your long hours and hard work during the session!