The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/16/10 — Support SB 566 Now

As a number have spotted, the vote on HB1048 was posted later last night, and can be seen at

All of the Democrats voted for the bill, with two absent, who would have voted for it if they were there.

All who opposed the bill were Republicans, although it was encouraging that 7 R’s did vote for the bill, and are to be thanked for their support — Cox from Hanover county; Iaquinto, Oder, Stolle, Tata, & Villanueva, all from Tidewater; and LeMunyon from Fairfax.

If you contacted your delegate, please follow up and thank them or express your disappointment, depending on how they voted.

Now we go back again to House Transportation Sub Comm 2 — Carrico, Oder, Rust, Garrett, Cox, Carr, & Ward tomorrow morning at the more civilized hour of 7:30, since there are only 3 bills on their docket.

SB 566, 3 foot passing with Senator Ticer as patron is one of them, along with our old friend “Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks”, this time as SB 228 with Senator Barker as patron.

As we’ve done previously with these committee members, please contact them again.

With only 7 on the sub committee, I think it is permissible for you to call the one geographically closest to you, thanking Oder, Cox, Carr & Ward for voting for HB 1048 in this SubCommittee, the full Transportation Committee, and the House floor and asking them for their similar support of SB566, as well as for Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks.

Rust voted for 1048 in the Sub Comm and in House Transportation, but for some reason then voted against on the House Floor.

Carrico & Garrett voted against on every occasion, and probably will do so again, but you never know, we may wear them down at some point.

All phone #’s are 804 area code at their General Assembly offices:

Richmond area: John Cox (Hanover) 698-1055,; Betsy Carr (Richmond & Eastern Chesterfield), 698-1069,

Tidewater area:
Glenn Oder (Newport News) 698-1094,; Jeion Ward (Hampton) 698-1092,

Northern VA: Thomas Rust (Herndon) 698-1086,

Scott Garrett 698-1023,

and Chairman Bill Carrico from way out in Galax, 698-1005,

Then, at 8:30, SB 546 to grant immunity to the railroads if they permit crossing of their tracks for recreational activities, will be heard in House Agriculture, a committee I don’t normally deal with:

Morgan (Chairman), Cox, Sherwood, Ware, Wright, Orrock, Scott, Marshall, Lohr, Poindexter, Pogge, Knight, Bell, Edmunds, Plum, Shuler, Lewis, Bulova, Sickles, Englin, James, Torian.

The only delegates from the Richmond area on this committee are Kirk Cox from Colonial Heights 698-1066 and Lee Ware from Powhatan 698-1065 so any RABA members from their districts are urged to contact them and ask them to support SB 546 giving the Railroads exemption from civil liability when they permit access across their rights of way for recreational purposes.

Thanks for everyone’s continued help! We’re almost done for this session.

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