The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2/15/10 — HB 1048 Fails

Update: HB 1048 has failed but three foot passing is still alive as SB 566. Please continue to write or call in support of SB 566.

HB 1048, Three Foot Passing & Following Too Closely FAILED by a 54 – 43 vote to be engrossed and reported forward, which means it is dead for this session.

Delegates Cosgrove & Carrico spoke against the bill, while Delegates Toscano & Ward spoke for it.

Senate Bill 566 containing just Three Foot Passing is still alive, and will be crossing over to the House Transportation Committee and then, hopefully, to the Full House, in the near future.

As soon as the roll call voting is posted I will forward it along and will urge everyone to contact their delegates expressing disappointment if they voted Nay and thanking them if they voted For the bill. Hopefully, we may be able to turn at least 6 or 7 votes around and get SB 566 passed.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts so far. We came pretty close.

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  • Here is the list of votes:

    HB 1048 Motor vehicles; increases passing distance when approaching bicycles, etc.

    floor: 02/15/10 House: VOTE: — ENGROSSMENT (43-Y 54-N)


    YEAS–Abbott, Alexander, Armstrong, BaCote, Barlow, Brink, Bulova, Carr, Cox, J.A., Dance, Ebbin, Englin, Herring, Hope, Iaquinto, James, Joannou, Johnson, Keam, Kory, LeMunyon, Lewis, McClellan, McQuinn, Miller, P.J., Morrissey, Oder, Phillips, Plum, Scott, J.M., Shuler, Sickles, Spruill, Stolle, Surovell, Tata, Torian, Toscano, Tyler, Villanueva, Ward, Ware, O., Watts–43.

    NAYS–Abbitt, Albo, Anderson, Athey, Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Byron, Carrico, Cleaveland, Cline, Cole, Comstock, Cosgrove, Cox, M.K., Crockett-Stark, Edmunds, Garrett, Gear, Gilbert, Greason, Griffith, Hugo, Ingram, Janis, Jones, Kilgore, Knight, Landes, Lingamfelter, Lohr, Loupassi, Marshall, D.W., Marshall, R.G., Massie, May, Merricks, Miller, J.H., Morefield, Morgan, Nixon, Nutter, O’Bannon, Orrock, Peace, Pogge, Poindexter, Purkey, Putney, Rust, Scott, E.T., Sherwood, Ware, R.L., Wright, Mr. Speaker–54.


    NOT VOTING–Howell, A.T., Pollard–2.

  • Thanks Jayme!