The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update, 2/10/10

HB 1048 Three Foot Passing was reported out of House Transportation Sub Comm 2 this morning by a 4-2 vote, with only Del. Garrett & Chairman Carrico voting against, and Rust absent. All of the discussion had to do with the 3 foot passing section; the following too closely section did not attract any attention.

Del. Garrett’s concern was that a motorist would not be able to legally pass a bicyclist on a two lane road with a center double line, without crossing the double line, which is illegal.

Chairman Carrico’s concern was that 3 feet was not enforceable.

Now the bill goes before the full House Transportation Committee, tomorrow morning at 8:30.

If you contacted either Cox, Carr, Ward, or Oder, please thank them for supporting the bill and ask them to continue to support it in the full committee.

Here are the Sub Committee Members’ phone #’s & Emails again. All phone #’s are 804 area code at their General Assembly offices.

Richmond area:

Tidewater area:

Northern VA:


…and Chairman Bill Carrico from way out in Galax, 698-1005,

We now need to have constituents contact the other 14 members of the Committee asking them to support HB1048 tomorrow morning.

From Northern VA:

From Tidewater:

From Culpeper:

From Charlottesville:

From Richmond:

Thanks for everyone’s help! We are making progress. Let’s keep it going.

Please also see our talking points for HB 1048 & SB 566.

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