The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2-2-12

A very short report today, as both Champe & I went down to the GAB for the Senate Ag meeting this afternoon.

Luckily the only bill on the docket that we were interested in, SB571/State Park Campgrounds to set camping fees at or above the mean fee charged at private campgrounds, was heard 2nd, and Patron Sen. Reeves from Spotsylvania announced that he had been meeting with the Director of DCR, and understands that they are in agreement in not trying to unfairly compete with private campgrounds.

That being the case, he requested that the committee Pass By his bill indefinitely, which they promptly did.

Apparently this bill had resulted from a complaint from the owner of a private campground near Lake Anna, as we met some opponents of the bill from up that way, who were pleased that the cyclists also were interested enough in supporting the State Parks to come in and oppose a harmful bill. They may be helpful to us (and us to them) in the future, since we share a number of interests and concerns.

That should be it for this week, and there now appears to be little we are interested in next week either, as we now await crossover, which begins on Wednesday, Feb. 15, where bills that have passed one house go over to the other house to be heard.

Bud Vye RABA & VBF Advocacy Director

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