The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 2-15-12 — Bud’s Version

Having a strong feeling that the final bill to lift the ban on Sunday Hunting (SB464) had very little chance to get through the House Ag Sub Comm that had unanimously dispatched all of the similar House Bills last week, even though 464 had gotten through the Senate by a 29 – 11 vote, I decided to skip this one, and let Champe cover it this morning, while I went on the Retirees Ride on a beautiful day.

I was not surprised to learn from Champe that this bill met a similar fate and was “Laid on the Table” by a voice vote.

So that’s it for Sunday Hunting for this session, and the list of bills I am following for VBF & RABA is getting down to a precious few.

Senate Bill 264 “Motor Vehicles Not to Follow Bicycles Too Closely” was not listed this week in House Transportation, so I expect to see it next week, either on Tuesday or Wednesday (if it is assigned to Sub Comm 2). I’ll be back to you, probably on the weekend, to send some Emails, as we attempt to get this bill passed.

Much more critical to our cause is the action taking place in the U.S. Congress around the the Reauthorization of the Allocation of Transportation Funds. The bill that came out of the House Trans committee last week would virtually end all funds for trails, cycling infrastructure, Safe Routes to School, etc.

Just below I share the words of Jake Lynch of Rails to Trails Conservancy, who is working on this in Washington, as the venue now moves to the Senate, and we need to contact our Senators. Here it is in Jake’s words —

“The massive push against the House Transportation Bill last week looks like it has had the desired effect! We learned earlier today that House Republican leaders may dismantle the American Energy and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 7) as it is currently presented, and submit its individual elements to the floor for separate discussion. It’s a sure sign that they are finally responding to the transportation demands of millions of Americans! Nice one!

But Round 2 is upon us, and we need your help again. The Senate is now considering their Transpo Bill, and it isn’t much better.

Just like last week — here’s a link to a fast and simple email form which tells your Senator that you demand the preservation of funding for trails, walking and biking infrastructure, among other things.”

Doesn’t have to be a long message, but everyone needs to weigh in and let our Senators know that we want those funds preserved.

In case Jake’s link doesn’t survive my cutting & pasting, you can reach our Senators at (202 224-2023) & (202 224-4024)

Bud Vye RABA & VBF Advocacy Director

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