The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 1/30/15: HB1402 & HB1342 Pass House

HB1402 (providing Maintenance Payments even if motor vehicle lanes are converted to bike lanes) PASSED the House today by a 84-12 vote and now joins the following two bills that have passed their originating body and are awaiting Crossover — SB781 (Crossing the Double Yellow Line) and SB882 (the Dooring bill).

HB1342 (Del. DeSteph’s Following Too Closely bill) has also passed the House, but Sen. Reeves’ identical SB1220 is now on the Senate floor awaiting passage. Should it pass, as I expect, it and Del. DeSteph’s House bill will go into Conference Committee and be “conformed” into one bill considered as having passed all the way through the process so it can be forwarded to the Governor for his signature.

That leaves us with only two other bills still alive prior to Crossover, both of which will be heard in House Transportation SubCommittees on Monday, and both of which we will be opposing — HB1746 (the Mandatory Sidepath bill) which is at 7 a.m. in Sub 2, and HB2353 (Restricting Mo-Peds to Highways with speed limits of 45 or under) which is in Sub 3 at 4 p.m.

It won’t hurt for everyone to contact their Senators in favor of Sen. Reeves’ SB1220 (Following too closely bill)…

…and for constituents to contact LeMunyon (Chantilly), Austin (Bedford), Taylor (Va Beach), Pillion (Abingdon), Ward (Newport News), and Carr (Richmond) in opposition to HB1746

…and for constituents to contact Hugo (Fairfax & Prince William), Scott (Culpeper), Yancey (Newport News), Davis (VA Beach),McQuinn (Richmond) & Plum (Fairfax) in opposition to HB2353

Thanks again for everyone’s efforts! We’re well on our way to having a very productive session.

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