The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 1/26/11

HB1683/Toscano, three foot passing and following too closely, Failed by a 4-3 vote in House Transportation Sub-Committee 2 this morning

Now we have another chance on the Senate side, with the identical SB928/McDougle in Senate Transportation Committee at 2 p.m. tomorrow

Also in Senate Transportation tomorrow will be SB1370/Blevins requiring Rumble Strips to be installed on the side of all highways having a maximum speed limit of 55 mph or more

Also failing in House Trans Sub 2, by being referred to the Commission on Transportation Accountability for study, was HB1618/Ward which was a Newport News bill to permit any city by ordinance to ban mopeds on highways with speeds of 45 mph or higher. There was a similar bill last year in the far southwestern part of the state which also failed. VBF opposed this bill, which would have serious consequences for mopeds and could easily lead to similar bans on bicycles

In the House Transportation Committee yesterday:

HB1801/Surovell which would change the composition of the Commonwealth Transportation Board, and how they are selected Failed

HB1825/Oder which changes the title of the “Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner” to “Commissioner of Highways” and makes other changes to the way the CTB operates was reported to the Full House

Passing the full House yesterday by a 75-24 vote, and now moving on to the Senate, was HB1981/Greason, which will allow motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles to proceed through a red light that doesn’t trip for them, after waiting two full cycles, or 2 minutes, whichever comes first.

H.B. 1764 Mopeds; riders and passengers required to wear helmets.

Patron: Crockett-Stark

Mopeds. Requires moped riders and passengers to wear helmets.

Status: To be heard in the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Sub-Committee2 tomorrow at 7:30 a.m.


Reckless driving offenses. Provides that any person who operates a motor vehicle in violation of § 46.2-821 (running a stop or yield sign) or 46.2-833 (running a red light) and unintentionally causes the serious bodily injury or death of another is guilty of reckless driving.

Status: Reported out of sub-committee in the House Courts of Justice Committee

SB 850/Petersen Hunting; allows a person to hunt any wild bird or wild animal on Sundays.

Hunting on Sundays. Allows a person to hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal on Sundays.

Status: In Senate Agriculture Committee, but not listed yet, next meeting Monday, 1/31

HB 1582/Cosgrove Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank; created.
Transportation funding; Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank. Creates the Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (VTIB) as a special fund to provide loans and grants to public and private entities to fund transportation projects in the Commonwealth. The special fund shall consist of revenues generated through the privatization of the Commonwealth’s ABC stores and revenues generated through a one-time drawing down of construction cash reserves by the Virginia Department of Transportation. VTIB is authorized to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $4 billion.

Status: We have asked the patron to include bicycling projects among those that are eligible for grants, but he has declined to do so.

HB 1957/Rust Transportation Board; powers and duties.

Powers and duties of CTB. Makes various changes to the powers and duties of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB): (i) clarifies that local roads in counties outside the state secondary highway system are local roads, and not part of the state system; (ii) increases the limitation on contract values that the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner and the Director of the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation may let; (iii) eliminates the duty of the CTB to regulate outdoor theaters; (iv) provides for the updating of the Statewide Transportation Plan every four years (instead of five); and (v) repeals the section that allows the CTB to designate its employees as special police officers.

SB 1135/Wagner Transportation Board; powers and duties.

Powers and duties of CTB. Makes various changes to the powers and duties of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB): (i) clarifies that local roads in counties outside the state secondary highway system are local roads, and not part of the state system; (ii) increases the limitation on contract values that the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner and the Director of the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation may let; (iii) eliminates the duty of the CTB to regulate outdoor theaters; (iv) provides for the updating of the Statewide Transportation Plan every four years (instead of five); and (v) repeals the section that allows the CTB to designate its employees as special police officers.

Status: Two identical bills being carried for the Administration. We have asked the patrons to insert bicycling in the list of facilities that will be included in the Statewide Transportation Plan, and they are considering doing so.

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