The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 1/25/10

SB 546 the Land Owner Liability bill that further limits the liability of Railroads who permit access across their tracks for recreational activities was REPORTED out of the Senate Ag Committee this morning with only two (McEachin and Obenshain, both of whom are trial lawyers and feel that the bill gives RRs too much immunity) Senators opposed.

Thanks to all who called their Senators to support the bill! Now its on to the full Senate floor, and ALL should now contact their Senators to support the bill there.

Wednesday morning’s House Transportation Sub Committee 2 @ 7 a.m. has several bills on the docket of interest to cyclists (and to motorists in general):

  • HB176 & HB 856 provide for increasing the Speed Limit from 65 to 70
  • HB 674 repeals the prohibition on Radar Detectors in motor vehicles

Neither VBF nor RABA have an official position on these bills, but both are controversial and there will be some heavy discussion.

Of interest to cyclists are two bills that VBF is interested in.

HB 752 — allows motorcycles, bicycles, and mopeds to proceed to cross an intersection against a red light if the light has remained red for at least 2 minutes without changing. Although I personally don’t see this as a big deal, I have crossed such intersections on occasion when the tripper didn’t recognize my bike, and we are supporting the bill.

HB 810 — Will permit TRIPLE trailers up to 97 feet in length on U.S Highways in Virginia. Although I have seen triples on wide open stretches of highway out in the west (Particularly on I-10 across the California desert), I can not visualize them on I-81, or on a road like Rt. 33, in Virginia, and intend to speak in Opposition to the bill. I will be curious to hear Del. Cox’s position on this bill, as he is the President of Cox Trucking in Ashland.

So, RABA members from Hanover (this is Frank Hargrove’s old district) please contact Del. Cox’s office(698-1055 or and from Richmond please contact Del. Carr’s office (698-1069 or asking them to SUPPORT HB752 & OPPOSE HB810 in Transportation Sub Committee 2 on Wed. morning. You may also have an opinion on the Speed Limit or Radar Detector bills listed above, and are certainly encouraged to share that with your delegates also. (Also, if you enjoy these before dawn meetings, you are certainly welcome to come down on Wed. a.m. and join me. If not, I’ll let you know how things went.)

Thanks again for taking the trouble to make a call or send an EMail!

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