The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 1/23/15 – ‘Following Too Closely’ Passes House, ‘Crossing Double Yellow’ & ‘Dooring’ Up for Senate Vote

A good first week as HB1342/Following too Closely PASSED the House by a 72-24 vote, with the members of the Transportation Comm supporting it 20 – 2 as they did in Committee. Now it will cross over to Senate Transportation week after next.

RABA members should contact their Delegates and THANK them for their support, except Chris Peace of New Kent 698-1097, Lee Ware of Powhatan 698-1065 & Tommy Wright of Amelia 698-1061 who should receive a call expressing their constituent’s disappointment.

All Northern VA Delegates except Lingamfelter, 804 698-1031 & Hugo 804 698-1040 supported the bill as did all Hampton Roads delegates except Barry Knight, 804 698-1081 so Northern VA & Hampton Roads cyclists should also thank or express disappointment to their delegates. Note that virtually all the opposition was from rural districts.

SB 781/Crossing the Double Yellow Line & SB 882/Dooring are both now on the Senate floor and should be voted on on Monday, so it is timely for all to contact their Senators to support these two bills.

Also on Monday we will have HB2159/Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks in House Trans Sub 2, so any Hampton Roads contacts to Scott Taylor & Northern VA contacts to LeMunyon will be helpful.

WELL DONE to all who have taken the trouble to make a contact or two! Lets keep it rolling as we have a great chance to make some real progress this session.

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