The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update #10, Feb. 12, 2019

On a rainy morning,Sen. Black’s SB1154 Due Care bill was heard first in House Trans Sub1 shortly after 7:00 a.m. and was Passed by indefinitely by an 8-1 vote , following some comments by Committee members that it was too vague.

After two other bills were heard, Sen. Surovell did a nice job of presenting his SB1550 Vulnerable Road User bill, which Champe Burnley and the representative from Alexandria spoke in favor of, following which it was Reported by a 6-3 vote with a recommendation that it be referred to the Courts of Justice Committee, with only Chairman Garrett, Dels. Thomas & Toscano in opposition. Hopefully it will be handled promptly there as time is running short, but Courts does have more than one meeting scheduled before this session concludes. Its very encouraging that this bill has gotten further than ever before as Sen. Surovell has carried it several times previously, but never gotten it this far.

If your delegate is on the House Courts of Justice Committee, please write or call and ask them to support SB1550, the Vulnerable Road User bill, before they meet Wednesday afternoon (do it now).

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